Thursday, February 13, 2014

Are You an Earth Angel?

Do you feel different from other people, as if you were dropped off on this planet and wonder when someone is coming to take you home?  If so, then you may be an Earth Angel, which is another term for Lightworker, Indigo, Crystal, or one of the other words used to describe a person who incarnated for the express purpose of helping the world be a better place.

Every individual is born with a personal mission to learn and grow.  Each of us chooses a theme for our life in which we will work on a particular life lesson such as patience, forgiveness, or compassion. However, Earth Angels also choose a global mission in addition to a personal mission . . . and this global mission is to provide a service to the world. 

Are you aware of what your mission is?  If you have a passion and talent for healing, teaching, or helping others, yet you yourself have weight issues, relationship challenges, substance-abuse problems, and the like, then you may be an Earth Angel.  If, like me, you are highly sensitive and you abhor violence in any form . . . whether it be enacted upon people, animals, or the planet . . . then you may very well be an Earth Angel.

Earth Angel
Although all souls originate from the same Divine source, our environment and personal history often shape our individual personalities and physical characteristics.  For example, those who spend most of their time in the sand and surf of tropical beaches will have different looks and mannerisms than people who hole up in their inner city dwellings or offices every day.

Similarly, all of the lives we have previously lived have impacted each of us greatly.  Just as our physical family of origin influences us, so does our soul's family of origin shape our looks, behavior, and even our life purpose.

As a general rule, the inside of everyone is the same . . . . a beautiful, pristine spark of Divine light. However, as a Lightworker, your spark of light may have spent time in heavenly realms far from Earth.  Those lifetimes that you have logged in the angelic realm, the elemental kingdom, on other planets, or in spiritual realms between lives with your soul group have greatly influenced who you are today.  Although we all inhabit a human body, our soul feels like a traveler in a foreign country . . . . because, in essence, that is what we are.

Of course, not everyone is an Earth Angel.  For this ultra important mission, God called in the biggest and brightest sparks of light for the transition to the New Age of Peace and Harmony.  Those humans who are not Earth Angels are living their lives purely for their own enjoyment.   They may seem dense, selfish, or highly unspiritual, however they too are Divine sparks of life in their own way.  They have simply elected to focus on human, Earthly concerns.

The Earth Angels' Vital Mission

If you are an Earth Angel, then you are a powerful Lightworker with a legacy of healing and miracles behind and in front of you.  You accepted your Divine assignment to come to Earth and spread your teachings and healing energies.  How has your assignment been for you so far?  If you have had difficulty adjusting to Earthly life, then you will probably find answers, comfort, and guidance by remembering your spiritual origin.

You may discover that you are an Incarnated Angel or Elemental . . . or perhaps a Starperson whose past lives have been extraterrestrial (ET) . . . a Merperson; a Leprechaun; a Knight Paladin; or a Wise One, which is a reincarnated Sorceress, High-Priestess, or Wizard, or you may be a wonderful mixture of more than one realm.  You are a seasoned service worker called into action . . . you are an Earth Angel.  You may have had past lives here on Earth as an Incarnated Angel, Elemental, and such, yet you may have forgotten these incarnations, believing that your past lives were human.  Or, perhaps you have yet to accept that you even HAD past lives, however you cannot explain many of your life situations or "coincidences".  

The term Earth Angel should not be confused with Incarnated Angel, which is one of the realms of Earth Angels.  It is important that you take the time to learn more about your spiritual realm of origin, as it will give you a better understanding about your personality, behavior, and individual quirks.  It is very similar to the way our astrological sun signs group us into meaningful categories.  

Mystic Angel
I happen to be what is called a Mystic Angel, which consists of half Wise One and half Incarnated Angel, and is considered one of the few blended realms or hybrids.  Mystic Angels share much of the same characteristics as Incarnated Angels, in that we are loving, kind, helpful, and caring.  However, since we have had several lifetimes on Earth (as Incarnated Angels), we are street-smart and edgy.  We have a tendency to cuss a bit, indulge in a few cocktails, and perhaps even some gambling . . . . yet we are still Angels!

Mystic Angels appreciate rules because we abhor chaos.  Like Incarnated Angels, we will apologize . . . . yet, we may only say we are sorry to avoid further conflict . . . . not always because we feel guilty.  Incarnated Angels have cornered the market on guilt feelings among all the realms.  

We also have the hard-won wisdom that comes from many lifetimes of helping in the trenches of wars and conflict.  Even though we have seen it all, we still retain faith in the goodness of humanity.

Mystic Angels are not timid in front of audiences, compared to Incarnated Angels.  With our Wise One heritage, we tend to make wonderful teachers, speakers, and workshop presenters.  We love to teach about healing, sharing our wisdom and offering tips for happier, more fulfilling living.

However, we are not afraid to acknowledge the shadow side of life.  We clearly see the ego issues behind human dramas.  The focus and the language of a Mystic Angel is a bit darker and earthier than that of an Incarnated Angel (which is a realm that does not like to look at or acknowledge problems or shadows).

One Mystic Angels describes our realm's characteristics in this way:  "We like to use both Angel Oracle Cards, as well as Tarot cards.  We are healers and know-it-alls (I call that Claircognizant, in my case!).  Because we have been killed in previous lifetimes, we are often afraid to come out of the spiritual closet . . . but when we do, we fly high and fast in putting our purpose into action."

To learn more about where you came from and whether or not you fit one of the realms of the Earth Angels, please contact me to schedule a reading.  Once I have an understanding regarding your particular questions, and gather other pertinent information from you, I will go to work on giving you clarification as to why you do what you do, feel the way you feel, as well as what your purpose here might be.

Readings are by appointment only!  You may get in touch with me via the Contact Me! page here in this blog, via email at, or via phone at 586*943*1928 to book your reading.  ♥

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Raven is a professional intuitive, spiritual advisor, Reiki practitioner & writer, who works with the Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, and Animal Spirit realms in her readings, coaching, Reiki energy healing, writing, and consulting. 

For more information, and for your own personalized reading, please visit her Facebook page to PM her (, or email her at

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