Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Daily Meditations ~ 6/22/15

I am loving myself for being a lovable, spiritual being . . . . ♥

When you don't feel good about yourself, it is hard to feel good about anything or anyone else. You see everything with a jaundiced eye. You miss the value and worth of every experience. You limit yourself because you do not feel good about who you are or what you do. You hold yourself back because you do not believe what you want is worthwhile. You put yourself in situations that are abusive or unproductive. You feel bad about yourself because of what you have done. Self-hate is a vicious cycle that leads to self-destruction. It fills the world with hate and people with despair. The only way to get out of the cycle of self-hate is to allow yourself to believe the world is waiting for who you are becoming. What the world must do is let every being know they are appreciated and welcomed simply for being who they are. 

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Raven is a Holistic Wellness Consultant, Angel Intuitive, Spiritual & Energy Healer, Animal Reiki Practitioner, Life Coach & Spirit Guide Coach who works with the Angels, Spirit Guides & Animal Spirit realms.  She also offers ZYTO Scan technology (biosurveys), as well as pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils to enhance her spiritual guidance, Reiki energy healing, and coaching. 

For more information, a complimentary consultation, or for your own personalized reading, please visit her Facebook page to PM her (https://www.facebook.com/GiftedGuidance), use the Contact Me! form, or email her at Raven@Gifted-Guidance.com.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Moon Phases ~ Crescent Moon (waxing) ~ 6/21/15

June 21, 2015 ~ Crescent Moon (waxing) ~ Happy Summer Solstice! The Sun slips into mellow Cancer at 12:37 pm EDT, encouraging us to get in touch with our emotions while an awkward Venus-Pluto alignment prompts us to withdraw from others to protect our hearts. However, the Moon's shift into efficient Virgo at 12:58 pm turns us into busy bees and an irritating Sun-Saturn connection won't let us rest until our chores are done. Luckily, we can still find time to smell the flowers if we try.

During this Moon phase, there is a slight slowing down of enthusiasm due to an emerging desire to produce tangible results from the energy being expended. The issue of values enters into the equation and an urge to tie together the data available so that you can utilize current opportunities. There is still plenty of forward motion, and this is a great time to continue initiating and progressing forward. This Moon phase favors gaining more information and the input of others to further your plans.

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Raven is a Holistic Wellness Consultant, Angel Intuitive, Spiritual & Energy Healer, Animal Reiki Practitioner, Life Coach & Spirit Guide Coach who works with the Angels, Spirit Guides & Animal Spirit realms.  She also offers ZYTO Scan technology (biosurveys), as well as pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils to enhance her spiritual guidance, Reiki energy healing, and coaching. 

For more information, a complimentary consultation, or for your own personalized reading, please visit her Facebook page to PM her (https://www.facebook.com/GiftedGuidance), use the Contact Me! form, or email her at Raven@Gifted-Guidance.com.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Keeping Our Chakras Healthy

Chakras are literally the body’s etheric energy centers that bring through and interpret the creative energy of the higher realms, and we unknowingly use the energy that comes through them to create and / or sustain our reality and keep our bodies physically healthy.
Keeping our chakras healthy is as important as keeping our physical bodies healthy, and as our collective vibration continues to rise, more people will become aware of the chakras, and the necessity to treat them respectfully and maintain a strong, clear connection to the energy they bring through.

We cannot treat something correctly, however, if we do not know it exists.  And, most of humanity still has a lot to learn about the spiritual nature of our existence, including our chakras. Here I will discuss each chakra and give a few accompanying paragraphs about what we can do to keep it healthy and flowing.

I’m sure most of you know about the seven basic chakras. However, it is believed that we have even more chakras beyond the basic seven that will activate as we continue to raise our vibration. So, let's begin with the root chakra.

#1: The Root Chakra

For those of you who do not know, the root chakra is responsible for our basic creative and survival-based instincts. We rely more on our sacral chakra and our third eye/crown chakras for creativity, but the root chakra plays a role in doing anything creative and especially anything that is meant to help us survive.
Our instincts are stored in the root chakra, and we can call on it for assistance with any aspect of our lives that has to do with survival.
To keep the root chakra healthy, we need to listen to our intuition. Even though we receive intuitive impressions primarily from the third eye and crown chakras, if we listen to our intuition, we will be led to make choices that help us survive and keep ourselves sustained in the best and healthiest ways possible.
The more we listen to our intuition, the stronger and healthier the root chakra will be, and after so long of following our inner intuitive guidance, we will find that our root is as strong and healthy as it is meant to be.
We have to be willing to hear out our intuition instead of endlessly following the wants and desires of the ego, which usually run against the wisdom and guidance our intuition gives. With practice, patience and determination, our root chakra will be strong, healthy and brimming with energy that will enhance our sustainability.

#2: The Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is our main center for creativity, sexuality and emotion, and there are plenty of things we can do to keep it healthy. There are also plenty of things we can do to keep it out of balance, and if we aren’t careful, we can damage it by way of our actions and our refusal to, again, listen to our intuition.

We will find that listening to the intuition is very important when it comes to keeping every chakra healthy, and this can especially be said for the sacral chakra. It is one of the more acutely sensitive chakras, so to keep it healthy and brimming, we will want to make choices that do not bring it out of balance.

We do not want to overstimulate ourselves in any area . . . .  creatively, emotionally, mentally, sexually, etc. We want to keep an even amount of energy flowing through this chakra at all times, and we do not want to deplete or overflow it and cause it to fall out of balance.

Balance is the most important thing to practice when it comes to keeping the sacral chakra healthy.  You will be very happy that you made an effort to keep your sacral chakra healthy when you see how much it enhances your creativity and the enthusiasm with which you embrace life and every situation you face.

Above all, keeping our thoughts, actions and emotions in alignment will keep our sacral chakra in alignment.  We will also want to routinely do something creative that gets the sacral chakra’s juices flowing if we want to keep it strong and healthy.

#3: The Navel (or Solar Plexus) Chakra

As its name suggests, this chakra is located behind our belly button.  To keep it healthy, we want to make sure we do not overstimulate it by eating unhealthy foods. We also want to scrupulously monitor our eating habits and what we choose to put into our bodies.
Overeating will overstimulate the navel chakra and deplete its ability to bring through any real or pure energy, but eating the right amount of healthy and supportive foods will empower it to bring through a healthy and flowing amount of energy for us to use for a wealth of different purposes.

Even though it has specific uses, the navel chakra lends its energies to assisting the rest of our chakras with their primary functions.

For example, the navel chakra could send energy to the sacral chakra in an attempt to assist this chakra with any given creative pursuit we take up. It could also send its energy to the throat or third eye chakras to help them with any specific tasks they are involved in, and generally, it acts as a balancer for the rest of the chakras.

However, the navel chakra cannot balance anything if it is out of alignment itself, so we will want to take care of it and remember to think about it the next time we sit down for a big and tasty, yet unhealthy meal.

#4: The Heart Chakra

It is pretty clear what this chakra does for us. Like a lot of seekers have learned, it holds some of the purest love we can store within our physical and etheric bodies, and we can call on it for assistance when we are having trouble finding the loving energy that helps us thrive . . . . creatively, spiritually, emotionally and physically.

It goes without saying that love is everything. It literally makes up everything in existence, and this is why we want to have a healthy dose of it swimming through the heart chakra.
To take care of this chakra, we want to willingly and routinely express the inner love that is helping us evolve, which, of course, comes directly through it. The rest of the chakras bring this energy through as well, however, the heart chakra brings the love through in a much purer and more potent way than the rest of the chakras.

We want to keep our heart chakra in use as much and as often as we can if we want to continuously feel its energies. If we ever feel depleted of the love we have come to share with the rest of humanity, we can call on our heart chakra (and the rest of our chakras) to express it through us more purely.

Chakras need to be used regularly in order to stay healthy, and this can especially be said for the heart. Of course, we bring energy through it whether or not we realize it, but the energy flows much stronger and purer when we make a conscious, concerted effort to bring it through.

#5: The Throat Chakra

The throat chakra (along with the sacral) is partially responsible for our creativity, and it feeds our self-expression. We physically express ourselves by speaking through our throats, but there is a deeper spiritual component to our expression that most people do not realize.
The throat chakra’s primarily responsible for our ability and willingness to express ourselves, and it can be used to achieve truly amazing things. In order to keep it healthy, we want to keep our physical throat as healthy as we can.

We do not want to damage or mistreat our physical throat, because it could damage our throat chakra or, at the very least, make it difficult for this chakra to help us express ourselves.

Obviously, we want to take care of our bodies in general if we want any of our chakras to be healthy.  However, keeping our physical throat healthy is essential to making sure the creative and expressive energies flow through as healthily as they can.

#6: The Third Eye Chakra

This is arguably the most popular chakra with the consciousness community, and for some seekers, it is the only chakra they really know anything about.

Along with the crown, the third eye helps us perceive spirit and the vibrations we can share with everyone around us in a much more real and direct way.  And, with meditation and other attunement methods, we can perceive a wealth of greater creative and spiritual energies and even find enlightenment.

It takes a lot to find enlightenment and there are various stages of it that we have to traverse before we find it in a real and pure sense.  That being said, we can utilize our third eye to assist us with achieving enlightenment.

In order to keep our third eye healthy, we need to focus our energy on it whenever we meditate or do anything that is intended to align us with Spirit. We also want to routinely practice bringing our creative and spiritual energy through it, otherwise it will go stale if it is not routinely used.

If we are motivated enough, we can bring through a wealth of greater spiritual energy that we direct through the third eye and use to help ourselves and the people around us find a higher vibration.  And, the more we practice bringing this universally pure energy through the third eye, the stronger it will become.

It also helps to use our meditations in an attempt to perceive the third eye.  Also, if we meditate long enough, we can actually physically and ethereally perceive it and travel through our third eye to what is called a ‘portal to the other side’.

Certain power structures have attempted to suppress knowledge of the third eye in an effort to keep humanity unaware of the sacred truths of our existence.  However, a growing number of seekers are becoming aware of it and using that awareness to strengthen their perceptions of it, keeping it strong and healthy as a result.

This brings us to our final chakra.

#7: The Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is the center for our purest and most direct spiritual development . . . . even purer than the third eye. The third eye plays a very important role in keeping our minds, bodies and spirits healthy, but the crown chakra helps us bring through a wealth of energy that is even purer than what we bring through the rest of our chakras.

The crown and heart chakras have a lot in common, as the energy that comes through both of these chakras is stronger and purer than the energy we receive through the rest of our chakras.

To keep our crown chakra healthy, we should practice daily attunement to a higher state of consciousness in whatever way works best for us.

We can practice spirit communication, which will help us sharpen our perception of our crown and every other chakra; we can practice meditation, dancing and every form of spiritual attunement under the sun; or we can simply enjoy an enlightening spiritual conversation with a fellow seeker.

If we do this, we will bring a wealth of creative and expressional energy through the crown chakra, which will travel down and express itself through the throat and heart.

We use all of our chakras to bring through energy or express ourselves, but certain activities and practices will strengthen certain chakras. Such is the case with the crown chakra, which thrives when we practice the spiritual attunement methods that help us find a higher vibration with a greater degree of ease.

In Conclusion

Hopefully, the information offered here will help those of you who have wondered what you can do to keep your chakras as strong, healthy and flowing as possible.

We want our chakras to be pure and healthy if we want to do anything significant or helpful here on earth.  And, if we are willing to do things that balance them out and enable them to receive the energy that helps us evolve more purely, we will have little difficulty doing anything that requires this energy.

As long as we keep all of our chakras aligned, everything will flow with grace and ease.  As a result, our willingness to contribute to our ongoing conscious revolution will strengthen exponentially.

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Raven is a Holistic Wellness Consultant, Angel Intuitive, Spiritual & Energy Healer, Animal Reiki Practitioner, Life Coach & Spirit Guide Coach who works with the Angels, Spirit Guides & Animal Spirit realms.  She also offers ZYTO Scan technology (biosurveys), as well as pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils to enhance her spiritual guidance, Reiki energy healing, and coaching. 

For more information, a complimentary consultation, or for your own personalized reading, please visit her Facebook page to PM her (https://www.facebook.com/GiftedGuidance), use the Contact Me! form, or email her at Raven@Gifted-Guidance.com.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Get Ready For Summer Solstice

The Longest Day Of The Year Is Going To Brighten Up Your Life . . . . 

As the Sun enters Cancer each year, it is the mark of the first day of summer ~ also known as the Summer Solstice. What makes this day so important? For one thing, on the day of the Summer Solstice the Sun appears to stand still in the sky. The Sun will grace us with his presence and warmth for an extraordinary length of time on this day. As a matter of fact, it is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. 

Start off the new season with a personalized In-Depth Archangel Tarot Card Reading to learn more about what is in store for you.

Cancer Ushers In the New Season

The astronomical reason for this is because it is at this time each year that the Sun stops right over the Tropic of Cancer, which is located at the northernmost point of our planet. After a few days, it will backtrack south towards the equator. The solstice occurs on June 21 and astrologically, it coincides with the start of the Cardinal Water sign Cancer. 

Cancer is the sign associated with nurturing, mothering, and deep emotional connection, as well as family. At the Summer Solstice, we are reminded that Mother Earth sustains. The Sun's rays allow Mother Earth to continue to do so. Everyone feels noticeably more vibrant in the summer months thanks to the extra rays of Sun beaming on us. Life is "in our face" at the Summer Solstice. It feels like nothing will ever die because there is an endless supply of nourishment to our bodies and souls during this time. 

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Raven is a Holistic Wellness Consultant, Angel Intuitive, Spiritual & Energy Healer, Animal Reiki Practitioner, Life Coach & Spirit Guide Coach who works with the Angels, Spirit Guides & Animal Spirit realms.  She also offers ZYTO Scan technology (biosurveys), as well as pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils to enhance her spiritual guidance, Reiki energy healing, and coaching. 

For more information, a complimentary consultation, or for your own personalized reading, please visit her Facebook page to PM her (https://www.facebook.com/GiftedGuidance), use the Contact Me! form, or email her at Raven@Gifted-Guidance.com.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Gifted Guidance Weekly Astrology ~ June 15 ~ 21, 2015

Here Comes the Sun . . . . 

It's a simple, clean week ahead with straightforward Astrology and a gorgeous Summer Solstice.  Read on to learn more!

Tuesday ~ June 16 ~ New Moon in Gemini conjunct Mars

On Tuesday the New Moon in Gemini will cozy up to Mars and will stimulate your mind in the most extraordinary way. This lunation is all about planting seeds of a bright new idea and fleshing it out over the coming weeks. You will have a cosmic "green light" to initiate an important conversation, make a life changing decision, negotiate a contract or other agreement, or simply flesh out an idea that excites you.

Move through this week of change with guidance from a Cosmic Profile reading!

This New Moon has plenty of pep in her step thanks to Mars, so you can expect communication matters to be put into action in the blink of an eye. You won't second guess yourself and you will have extra confidence to talk to others.

Sunday ~ June 21 ~ Summer Solstice; Sun enters Cancer

On Sunday the Sun enters Cancer and we celebrate the Summer Solstice. There is a bright light shining on matters of home and hearth, so pay attention to what is happening right in your own backyard. A healthy gathering of family and friends might be the perfect way to kick off the season. Then, put on your swimsuit and go have some much-awaited fun in the Sun!

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Raven is a Holistic Wellness Consultant, Angel Intuitive, Spiritual & Energy Healer, Animal Reiki Practitioner, Life Coach & Spirit Guide Coach who works with the Angels, Spirit Guides & Animal Spirit realms.  She also offers ZYTO Scan technology (biosurveys), as well as pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils to enhance her spiritual guidance, Reiki energy healing, and coaching. 

For more information, a complimentary consultation, or for your own personalized reading, please visit her Facebook page to PM her (https://www.facebook.com/GiftedGuidance), use the Contact Me! form, or email her at Raven@Gifted-Guidance.com.

Monday, June 15, 2015

5 Reasons Neptune Retrograde Rules

Top 5 Reasons to Rejoice As Nebulous Neptune Spins Backward

Neptune Retrograde takes place from June 12 to November 18, 2015, which means we are in for more than five month's worth of getting real!

This is a great time to make decisions, so get help with that from a Yes or No Angel Tarot reading!

In Astrology, Neptune is the planet of dreams, spirituality and personal possibilities. When Neptune moves direct, it helps us see the big picture and tap into our intuition and dreams, glossing over the harsher aspects of life.

When Neptune is retrograde, however, it is much more difficult to ignore the truth. Neptune Retrograde is a bit of a harsh wake-up call, as it can provoke you to make big changes in your life, but here is why we love it:

Top 5 reasons Neptune Retrograde rules:

1. You no longer ignore things like bad relationships or being in debt.

2. You have the ability to stop dreaming and starting DOING.

3. You are able to figure out what is real and what is fantasy.

4. You can think more clearly and plan more carefully for the future.

5. You will re-evaluate what is truly important to you!

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Raven is a Holistic Wellness Consultant, Angel Intuitive, Spiritual & Energy Healer, Animal Reiki Practitioner, Life Coach & Spirit Guide Coach who works with the Angels, Spirit Guides & Animal Spirit realms.  She also offers ZYTO Scan technology (biosurveys), as well as pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils to enhance her spiritual guidance, Reiki energy healing, and coaching. 

For more information, a complimentary consultation, or for your own personalized reading, please visit her Facebook page to PM her (https://www.facebook.com/GiftedGuidance), use the Contact Me! form, or email her at Raven@Gifted-Guidance.com.

Daily Meditations 6/15/15

I am taking time to learn the value of the valley . . . .  ♥

Life is not hopping from one mountaintop to another because there is a valley between. At times, the valley is a joy you hate but need to feed the family. The valley might be a failing or toxic relationship. The valley could be a child who goes astray or a friend who betrays you. The valley could be an illness or the death of a loved one. The valley is dark, bleak, ugly, and frightening. But there is value in the valley. When you are in the valley, you begin to think, pray, and tap into your incredibly divine self. The valley gives you time to rest, to heal, to rejuvenate your being. It is an opportunity to look up, to see and remember those powerful mountain climbers who made it before you . . . . your grandmother, your spiritual mentor, even yourself. You have been in the valley before. Remember what you did, how you got up and out. Let the thoughts and memories of that success be the rope you use to pull yourself up. 

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Raven is a Holistic Wellness Consultant, Angel Intuitive, Spiritual & Energy Healer, Animal Reiki Practitioner, Life Coach & Spirit Guide Coach who works with the Angels, Spirit Guides & Animal Spirit realms.  She also offers ZYTO Scan technology (biosurveys), as well as pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils to enhance her spiritual guidance, Reiki energy healing, and coaching. 

For more information, a complimentary consultation, or for your own personalized reading, please visit her Facebook page to PM her (https://www.facebook.com/GiftedGuidance), use the Contact Me! form, or email her at Raven@Gifted-Guidance.com.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Gifted Guidance Weekly Astrology ~ June 8 ~ 14, 2015

Busy, busy butterfly! That is what you will be this week with all of the cosmic twists and turns happening. Ready . . . . set . . . . GO!

Monday ~ June 8 ~ Sun in Gemini sextile Jupiter

Tuesday ~ June 9 ~ Mars in Gemini sextile Uranus

On Monday, the Sun will be at a friendly sextile to Jupiter, expanding your optimism and faith. A sextile between Mars and Uranus on Tuesday will help you take action in an unconventional way to achieve your goals successfully.

See what's next during this week's back-and-forth energy! Order your Angel Card reading now.

Wednesday ~ June 10 ~ Mercury Retrograde in Gemini sextile Venus; Sun sextile Uranus

On Wednesday, Mercury will be "at station" on its way to turning direct, which means he's not moving in the sky, but sitting still and preparing to make a turn. Planets at station are powerful, and on this day Mercury will be at a gorgeous sextile to Venus. It appears that you will feel ready to make a decision about your love life or a financial matter. Try to sit with it for just awhile longer. If you wait until after Mercury turns direct (the very next day) to execute plans, there is a better chance for success. Still, you will feel strong about knowing what to do.

Also on Wednesday the Sun will sextile Uranus. It is time to show the world just how original you can be. There is a reward in store if you are willing to showcase that eccentric part of you so go ahead ~ what are you waiting for?

Friday ~ June 12 ~ Neptune Retrograde

On Friday Neptune turns retrograde. Outer planets are retrograde for half of the year, and usually this is not a major astrological happening. Still, in the day or two following Neptune Retrograde you might begin to feel more comfortable with your subconscious self. Pay attention to dreams and other breakthroughs that are possible during hypnosis, a psychic session or during therapy.

Sunday ~ June 14 ~ Sun conjunct Mars; Saturn Retrograde enters Scorpio

On Sunday, the Sun will conjunct Mars in Gemini, so you can expect an overabundance of mental energy that helps you walk your talk. What will you do with it?

Last but not least, on Sunday we will experience Saturn backsliding into Scorpio again for his "last licks" in this sign. Saturn will remain in Scorpio until September 17, and during this time we will have one final opportunity to work through some hard lessons relating to intimacy, financial responsibility, and skeletons in our closets.

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Raven is a Holistic Wellness Consultant, Angel Intuitive, Spiritual & Energy Healer, Animal Reiki Practitioner, Life Coach & Spirit Guide Coach who works with the Angels, Spirit Guides & Animal Spirit realms.  She also offers ZYTO Scan technology (biosurveys), as well as pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils to enhance her spiritual guidance, Reiki energy healing, and coaching. 

For more information, a complimentary consultation, or for your own personalized reading, please visit her Facebook page to PM her (https://www.facebook.com/GiftedGuidance), use the Contact Me! form, or email her at Raven@Gifted-Guidance.com.

Feng Shui for Your Health

Relieve Aches & Pains with This Ancient Eastern Practice . . . . 

Feng Shui practitioners treat the home as symbolic of its owner's health ~ mental, spiritual, emotional and physical. Whether you are dealing with nagging aches or a serious health problem, you can find relief through this ancient practice. Just a few simple adjustments can boost your energy, improve your spirits and ease your pain.

In times of change or worry, the time-tested Cosmic Profile reading provides sound wisdom and advice to move forward with health and hope.

Clean Up Your Act

One of the best ways to strengthen your health is to clean your home from top to bottom. If this job is too daunting for you, begin with a single closet. The more progress you make, the more energized you will feel. As soon as one job is finished, you will take on another. After you have removed the clutter from one space, cleanse it with soap, water, and any other non-toxic agents that will leave your place fresh and sparkling. Keep in mind that dust and dirt are manifestations of poor health. Once you clear them away, your eyes will shine, your skin will glow and you will project radiant energy.

Stairway to Health

If your front door opens to a staircase, your health could be compromised. Life-giving energy will rush quickly down the stairway and head straight out the door, leaving you tired and listless. To correct this problem, hang a large faceted crystal from a 9-inch red ribbon between the door and the staircase. (A handsome crystal chandelier will work well, too.) Prisms draw light in and then disperse it throughout a space, radiating life-giving energy to every corner.

Door of Opportunity

Feng Shui offers a wonderful opportunity to improve your health by paying special attention to your front door. The door represents the mouth of your home; it is through here that all vibrant energy passes. Therefore, you want to keep all the entrances in your home in good working order, particularly your front door. Make sure your main entrance is clean and well-lit. Oil the hinges regularly, and install new locks if your key sticks in the door. You will feel much more energetic as a result.

Sunrise, Sunset

Lighting has a very important impact on your health. If you are overweight, depressed or uninspired, you need to add lights to your home. Use full-spectrum bulbs throughout, and install overhead lights in every room. Check to see if each room has windows on at least two sides. If not, hang a mirror on one of the walls without a window, and position it so it reflects the natural light. In the event you are suffering from burnout, anxiety or rage, you need to reduce the light in your home. Cover south and east facing windows with heavy curtains. Put overhead lights on a dimmer switch. A variety of light sources ~ ambient, task, and accent ~ can also help. When your temper starts to mount, turn off the overhead light and turn on a table lamp.

Keep Current

Outdated newspapers, magazines and periodicals can manifest themselves as excess weight, depression or poor circulation. Rid your home of dated materials on a weekly basis. If there is a magazine or newspaper you want to keep for posterity, store it in a decorative box. Reduce clutter by clipping interesting stories and pictures and putting them into a scrapbook.

It's Not Easy Being Green

If you have a hard time keeping plants alive, it is a sign you need to take better care of yourself. First get rid of any dying plants. Do not buy any more until you take steps to improve your health. Consult a nutritionist to find ways to improve your diet. Meet with a personal trainer. Listen to relaxation recordings before going to sleep. After making simple adjustments to your routine, you will be able to maintain healthy plants throughout your home.

Face the Door

Having your back to the door can compromise your health, as this position increases your anxiety. Ideally, your stove, desk, and bed should be placed so you clearly can see the room's entrance without being in its direct line. If this is not possible, hang a mirror so you can see who enters and exits the space. Nervous conditions like headaches, back strains, and stomachaches can subside after making these adjustments.

Clear Conduits

Blocked or broken passageways can result in major health problems with your circulatory, respiratory, digestive or nervous systems. If you suffer from infertility or colitis, check your sewage system for obstructions. Bladder, kidney, and urinary tract infections can be the result of rusted or leaking pipes. In the event you suffer from asthma or emphysema, clean the air ducts, vents and filters of your heating and cooling system.

The Body Electric

If you suffer insomnia, anxiety or chronic headaches, check your electrical system. Broken lamps, frayed wires or blown fuses are signs that your nervous system is being unduly taxed. Relieve the pressure by fixing these problems. If you are continually blowing circuits, you may need to rewire your home. Granted, this will cost money, but consider this outlay an investment in your health.

Flower Power

Treating yourself to fresh cut flowers once or twice a week can boost your health. That is because they keep you focused on the here-and-now. Constantly dwelling on the past or making plans for the future can cause you to lose touch with your body. By adopting a more Zen-like attitude, your health will improve and you will enjoy each moment to the fullest.

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Feng Shui  ˈfəNG ˈSHwē,-SHwā/

noun: feng shui; noun: fengshui

(in Chinese thought) a system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy (qi), and whose favorable or unfavorable effects are taken into account when siting and designing buildings.

Daily Meditations 6/8/15

If you are on the road to nowhere, find another road . . . . ♥

When we are following the wrong teachings of philosophy, we get stuck.  We do not evolve. Life just does not seem to come together. We see the same people saying and doing the same thing. We may all be in agreement, but we still are not growing. We may know there is something better somewhere. We may want or need more. But because we do not know exactly what "it" is, we stay stuck in what is familiar. Could it possibly be that it is time to move on? Shift gears? Get back to basics? Open our minds? Try something new? We will never know until we try. The only way to really be sure we are on the right track is to derail ourselves for just a moment and see what new direction beckons.

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Raven is a Holistic Wellness Consultant, Angel Intuitive, Spiritual & Energy Healer, Animal Reiki Practitioner, Life Coach & Spirit Guide Coach who works with the Angels, Spirit Guides & Animal Spirit realms.  She also offers ZYTO Scan technology (biosurveys), as well as pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils to enhance her spiritual guidance, Reiki energy healing, and coaching. 

For more information, a complimentary consultation, or for your own personalized reading, please visit her Facebook page to PM her (https://www.facebook.com/GiftedGuidance), use the Contact Me! form, or email her at Raven@Gifted-Guidance.com.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Gifted Guidance Weekly Astrology ~ June 1 ~ 7, 2015

Going Above & Beyond . . . . 

It's a week to open your mind, your heart, and your faith! Things are happening on a grand scale now!  Are you ready?!

Tuesday ~ June 2 ~ Full Moon in Sagittarius

Are you willing to ask the big questions in life, even if you don't find an answer? That is the theme of Tuesday's Full Moon in Sagittarius. Remember that in your life it is the journey that matters, not the destination. Still, your internal GPS might be slightly confused thanks to this Full Moon being square Neptune and opposite Mercury, now in retrograde. Old belief systems and modes of thinking are likely to come up for review, and it'll be time to discard what's no longer working in your reality.

Process this week's energy and how it can impact your future with an In-Depth Angel Card reading!

Friday ~ June 5 ~ Venus enters Leo; Mars in Gemini sextile Jupiter

On Friday, love planet Venus enters Leo. Venus in Leo promises romance on a grand scale so now, you will settle for nothing less than lavish expressions of love. Mars will be at a supportive sextile to Jupiter on the same day giving you the ability to put your optimism to work for you. This will definitely be a bountiful day!

Saturday ~ June 6 ~ Venus trine Saturn

On Saturday, the tone goes from carefree romance to relationship substance. Venus will trine Saturn and if you are attached, you will feel quite secure in your union. Financially, a cautious gamble looks like it will pay off, and a creative gift put into practice can be financially profitable for a long time to come.

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Raven is a Holistic Wellness Consultant, Angel Intuitive, Spiritual & Energy Healer, Animal Reiki Practitioner, Life Coach & Spirit Guide Coach who works with the Angels, Spirit Guides & Animal Spirit realms.  She also offers ZYTO Scan technology (biosurveys), as well as pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils to enhance her spiritual guidance, Reiki energy healing, and coaching. 

For more information, a complimentary consultation, or for your own personalized reading, please visit her Facebook page to PM her (https://www.facebook.com/GiftedGuidance), use the Contact Me! form, or email her at Raven@Gifted-Guidance.com.